Would you like to take a walk around Le Havre with a local ?
It will be my pleasure to show you the highlights of my home city and tell you all the stories behind them.
Join me for a free tour tailored to your interests.
• Would you like to hear about the development of the city since its foundation ?
• Or learn about the new postwar architecture ?
• The historic Saint François quarter with the Shipowner’s Mansion is well worth a visit,
and a walk along the seafront will remind us of all the famous painters and writers who found inspiration here.
• We can walk up to Sainte-Adresse, where high above the city we will discover beautiful villas and learn all about the work of local botanists.
• From the Hanging Gardens, we’ll be able to appreciate the spectacular rise of Normandy’s seaside resorts.
Let’go !
![to reserve](https://greeters-lehavre.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/boutonJosiane_EN.jpg)